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In your opinion, what are the best games of Sonic? What would be your note? why?


Author Topic: In your opinion, what are the best games of Sonic? What would be your note? why?  (Read 68811 times)

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Offline Crowbar

It appears as though he did (The bolded are detailed):
"Sonic 2 and S3K were very good, S3DB was great too, Sonic CD was pretty good (one of the only games with peel out dash instead of just the spin dash, Peel Out Dash was the up-B and spindash was the down-b), SA2B is hot (Chao garden was much easier here than SA1 (by over 9000 stars), levels were well thought (I only hated the Tails missions, Eggman missions powns Tails, Knuckles and Rouge levels were pretty good, Knuckles is better, I like Shadow more than Sonic, but Sonic has the Bounce ring which is very helpful). Sonic Unleashed is pretty nice for the 360 not one of the best but it has a good value. SAdv1 and 3 also were the best GBA sonic games. I like 2 as well but the Special Stage is harder than both 1 and 3, which is really bad then. I want to get Rush as I hear that is really good."

What Alondite said. Saying it's "pretty good", "hot", or "pretty nice" is neither detailed, meaningful, nor in-depth. It is a subjective viewpoint, which is all well and good, we all have them as well as a right to express them, but don't try to claim it's a detailed or valuable.

Offline Muzozavr

All hail S3K.

Sonic Adventure 1 was pretty good, but the adventure stages=no fun.
Proud to discover a new glitch on Sandopolis 1 as Tails

Offline Stardust Speedman

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In my opinion...

Awesome Sonic Games:
01. Sonic Unleashed Full: 9.5
02. Sonic Rush Adventure: 9.5
03. Sonic Rush: 9.5
04. Sonic the Hedgehog 16-Bit: 9.5
05. Sonic and the Secret Rings: 9.3
06. Sonic the Hedgehog CD: 9.3
07. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles: 9.3
08. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 8-Bit: 9

Great Sonic Games:
09. Sonic Adventure 2: 8.7
10. Shadow the Hedgehog: 8.7
11. SegaSonic the Hedgehog: 8.7
12. Sonic Heroes: 8.5
13. Sonic the Hedgehog 8-Bit: 8.5
14. Sonic Adventure: 8.3
15. Sonic Advance 2: 8.3
16. Sonic & Tails 2: 8.3
17. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 16-Bit: 8.3
18. Sonic 3D Flickies' Island: 8.3
19. Knuckle's Chaotix: 8.3
20. Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball 16-Bit: 8

Good Sonic Games:
21. Sonic Advance 3: 7.7
22. Sonic R: 7.7
23. Sonic Battle: 7.7
24. Sonic Advance: 7.3
25. Sonic & Tails: 7.3
26. Sonic Riders: 7
27. Sonic Riders 2 Zero Gravity: 7
28. Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood: 7

Passable Sonic Games:
29. Sonic the Hedgehog 15th Anniversary: 6

Poor Sonic Games:
30. Sonic Blast: 4

I'll give my reasons for Sonic Unleashed once I have more time.
There is no sense crying over every mistake! You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!

Offline Alondite

 Well, here's what I think about various  Sonic games that I've played enough to warrent giving them a score. *Note it's on a 1-10 scale, no decimals, and 5 is AVERAGE, meaning it's a game that is passable, mildly enjoyable, but doesn't have any qualities that make it anything more than average.  *Edit* Oh man I forgot Heroes and the complete mess that it is!

Sonic 1: 8
Sonic 2: 8
Sonic 3: 8
Sonic & Knuckles: 8
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: 10
Sonic CD: 9
Sonic 3D Blast: 3
Knuckles Chaotix: 7
Sonic Adventure: 5
Sonic Adventure 2: 6
Sonic Advance: 5
Sonic Advance 2: 4
Sonic Heroes: 4
Sonic Rush: 5
Sonic The Hedgehog: 3
Sonic Riders: 4
Sonic Unleashed Wii: 6
Sonic Unleashed Ps360: 4

Well, that's all that I can think of right now, though I'm pobably forgetting some. I'll add them if I can remember.  Also note that if 2 games receive the same score, it doesn't mean that I think they are 100% equal. Maybe I'll add decimals at some point.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 10:28:19 pm by Alondite »

Offline SuperSonic94

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Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed: 10!

lol, its my opinion...
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline Cort

Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed: 10!

lol, its my opinion...
great opinion dude!! Sonic heroes is  a great Game too!!

Offline Aitamen

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Re: Best Sonic Game
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2009, 11:45:05 am »
Oh, how this needs to be mocked...  I ask the higher powers for authority to tear this one apart...

Plez?  Plez can I be mean?  I've been good for a long time, right?!


(24 hours 'til assumed)
Only if you promise never to post another "..."

Also gratuitous colors and bigtext are bad forum etiquette.

Rolk, if you ever heard me talk, you'd fully understand why I insert ellipses into my statements...  they never really seem final, unless I'm ranting or raving or something of the sort

and Cort, while annoying in what text he uses, isn't a native English speaker, so far as I can surmise...  I believe he's trying to speak well, but cannot...  it'd be making fun of someone with a handicap..

Cort, I'm defending you now... so PLEASE stop using large text...
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Alondite

Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed: 10!

lol, its my opinion... people need to stop going crazy over these crappy newer Sonic games.  Maybe if you stop buying them ST will actually have to make a good one...though that will never happen :(

Offline Cort

Re: Best Sonic Game
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2009, 02:15:44 pm »
Oh, how this needs to be mocked...  I ask the higher powers for authority to tear this one apart...

Plez?  Plez can I be mean?  I've been good for a long time, right?!


(24 hours 'til assumed)
Only if you promise never to post another "..."

Also gratuitous colors and bigtext are bad forum etiquette.

Rolk, if you ever heard me talk, you'd fully understand why I insert ellipses into my statements...  they never really seem final, unless I'm ranting or raving or something of the sort

and Cort, while annoying in what text he uses, isn't a native English speaker, so far as I can surmise...  I believe he's trying to speak well, but cannot...  it'd be making fun of someone with a handicap..

Cort, I'm defending you now... so PLEASE stop using large text...
ok dude, sorry the use of large letters! and notice to the User TSC! "I do not use more big letters! Excuse the inconvenience I caused!

thank you Aitamen xD

Offline flyby

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Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD.

Mean Bean Machine is pretty pro too, though doesn't seem to be technically a "Sonic" game.

Offline SuperSonic94

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Crappy games?...:S

You're really wrong, I think that games are one of the best games of all Sonic's games...The older Sonic's games sucks..
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline Alondite

I'm wrong? Numerous long-time Sonic fans and gaming publications tend to disagree.  You may like them, and that's fine, but that doesn't not change the fact that they are flawed, and not in ways that are easily forgivable. And the older games suck? Oh would I love to see you try to logically discuss your way out of that one...
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 10:25:18 pm by Alondite »

Offline SuperSonic94

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I think there are a lot more fans of SADX and SA2B, and the new Sonics games than the older Sonics like Sonic 1 2 3, 3&K, etc.., that games are not too good in my opinion.

Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Heroes has the more competitors here in TSC. :P

So...the better old Sonics games are S1 and S2? =O
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline Shadow Jacky

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who the hell likes Chaotix?


S3K 4 LYFE!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Offline bertin

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Crappy games?...:S

You're really wrong, I think that games are one of the best games of all Sonic's games...The older Sonic's games sucks..

yeah you already lost....give up

Offline Jawzunx

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best game ever (of Sonic).
Sonic 2 is good, but I don't like Sonic 1 very much.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is a really good game as well in my opinion.

the worst for me?
Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic06
Sorry people, but I just can't call them games :/
still can't believe what I did in 2007

Offline Alondite

I think there are a lot more fans of SADX and SA2B, and the new Sonics games than the older Sonics like Sonic 1 2 3, 3&K, etc.., that games are not too good in my opinion.

Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Heroes has the more competitors here in TSC. :P

So...the better old Sonics games are S1 and S2? =O

Popularity =/= quality.  The reason that those games have more competitors is because the older games are practically maxed, or at least with current strategies. Also, because there are an abundance of people like you here who probably started with the newer games, and the newer generation.  Unfotunately, the definition of a "good" game in the newer generations is far more lenient than what it was in the past.  People forgive inexcusble flaws in modern games, like terrible camera work and poor collision, to name a few of the laundry list of flaws in many modern games, Sonic in particular.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 10:19:50 pm by Alondite »

Offline Aitamen

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Popularity != quality.

The reason that those games have more competitors is because the older games are practically maxed, or at least with current strategies. Also, because there are an abundance of people like you here who probably started with the newer games, and the newer generation.  Unfortunately, the definition of a "good" game in the newer generations is far more lenient than what it was in the past.  People forgive inexcusable flaws in modern games, like terrible camera work and poor collision, to name a few of the laundry list of flaws in man modern games, Sonic in particular.

As much as I bash on Alondite, he's pretty much spot-on, here...  Remember the press that MM4 got, anyone?

it was a bad game, because it didn't add enough to the series...  fun gameplay, but we'd seen it before DO SOMETHING NEW!

and while yes, the blue bomber did something new by giving the main character a sword (Zero), it didn't work for sonic, because the sword was just plain gimicky...

seriously, if you wanted to turn sonic into a hack-and-slash, steal the engine from DMC or The Bouncer, stick in knuckles, and go for it >_>

also, Chaotix is a blast, if you can get the hang of it...  RAing it a blast, actually

Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Maru Kiba

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It appears as though he did (The bolded are detailed):
"Sonic 2 and S3K were very good, S3DB was great too, Sonic CD was pretty good (one of the only games with peel out dash instead of just the spin dash, Peel Out Dash was the up-B and spindash was the down-b), SA2B is hot (Chao garden was much easier here than SA1 (by over 9000 stars), levels were well thought (I only hated the Tails missions, Eggman missions powns Tails, Knuckles and Rouge levels were pretty good, Knuckles is better, I like Shadow more than Sonic, but Sonic has the Bounce ring which is very helpful). Sonic Unleashed is pretty nice for the 360 not one of the best but it has a good value. SAdv1 and 3 also were the best GBA sonic games. I like 2 as well but the Special Stage is harder than both 1 and 3, which is really bad then. I want to get Rush as I hear that is really good."

What Alondite said. Saying it's "pretty good", "hot", or "pretty nice" is neither detailed, meaningful, nor in-depth. It is a subjective viewpoint, which is all well and good, we all have them as well as a right to express them, but don't try to claim it's a detailed or valuable.
*wonders why I haven't replied to this yet*
If you want details on something. I can do that.
On one game:
Sonic Advance 3:
Let's look at some things with the game shall we?
My Vote on the game: a 9
Music: This has a very nice set of music for each level. Plus different soundings of each act on the same zone (which is always nice). Easy to capture in mind. Easy to remember songs. My favorites on this subject:
       Chaos Angel (all acts) (because it sends the message that this level isn't a pushover. The dangerous level music gives it away, the heavy in Act 3 shows just how this level can be deadly (maybe a boulder hit you or one of those spikes or buzz bombers hit you to the death line) in Act 2 has a lightness tone. Meaning that most of the level is outside of the main castle as it looks in the background. Act 1 starts it all, fusion of light and heavy to prepare your mind for it) Another fave:
       Cyber Track (I like techno and electronica, something you can dance to, or step. Strobe light dancing all that fun.)
       Twinkle Snow music: Brings to mind that the level is all about cold, ice, and snow! Now if Twinkle Snow happened to be having a version of something like Chemical Plant or Angel Island (SonicAdv1 or Sonic 3) they don't fit the level.

Team Moves: There happens to be a great balance of team usage. Knuckles and Tails combination for excellent chao hunting, extra height glide helps, tails throwing you high. Tails lifting you to other parts of the level or if you need an emergency (if about to hit the death line and are able to find land before you die)
      Teamed with Sonic (Extra Speed, Amy has Super Peel Out!? :o, Knuckles gets to headbutt! :o),
      Teamed with Cream (You can use chao attacks for those lazy players, or a little boost if you jump which is somewhat useful but not as useful as using Tails, except you get the Chao with Cream anyway, Tails has an odd flight andI don't find it very useful unless going straight up, Sonic has that blast move after pressing A after jumping which is helpful in the last boss before Altar Emerald)
      Teamed with Knuckles (you get to have power moves, able to break certain walls, super slides, tails tornado (holding b makes you continue until dizzy (don't recommend being dizzy on a boss fight or on Chaos Angel Act 3), Amy's big hammer)
      Teamed with Amy (You get to hammer! :o high spring jumps :o no regular spin jumps! :x)

Excellent difficulty average. Unlike SonicAdv2 with Egg Saucer being one of the hardest bosses rather than Egg Frog (oh. Chao attack on Egg Frog can be fatal. Gravity changes and napalm blasting) Egg Saucer: Very annoying hand! Take out cannon first or it blasts you, and if you don;t after your fourth hit on Eggman, it blasts a big one straight out at you each time it comes around again, other than the cannon, the hand becomes more annoying in the pinch.)
Most annoying boss in SonicAdv3 is in Chaos Angel definitely if you aren;t using Chao attacks, let's see you have to go under to hit, if you don;t get away or if reckless in battle you get bounced into the spikes. I have yet to beat Nonaggression or even get to him yet (needs a couple more emeralds))

Special Stages: I must say these are easy for the first four. The last 3 get difficult.
This is a big difference between SonicAdv2's! SonicAdv2's were hard to do. 300 rings in a time, and the hard cornering, going everywhere to find rings, Zero is not really a problem. SonicAdv1 had some easy ones too. Last 3 of them are hard.

We covered alot of text here. Luckily I only detailed about 1 game and references to the two prequels) since this would become a novel if I tried detailing every single Sonic game I have played or not. So I will stop here.
Top this Eis!
The Oltanis Team. Is made up of 9 strong and special members.
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Rune Mistress (Lavender): Forsha Timbre
Storm Dragon (Dark Grey): Helios Darkus Kiba

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Offline Nextgengamer9

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I personally think Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the best.The gameplay was well-Balanced and the addition of Knuckles also added to the popularity;The graphics were good for a genisis game,and the bosses had much more variety of designs comparied to Sonic 1.I personally think it wasn't as good when the game was seperated into two parts,but together it pulls it off with flying colors.(I sounded like a boring lawyer lol)

Offline superjupi

Sonic CD is still my favorite.

The original game caught my interest immediately, and will always have a special place in my heart. To this day, still probably the most fun I ever had with a 2D platformer. Zipping down S-tunnels and burrowing through walls were fascinating experiences to someone who, until that moment in time, only knew of mushrooms and question blocks when it came to platformers. The sequel brought more of the same, yet further refined, and made the experience feel fresh and new again. But my first experience with Sonic CD gave my starry eyes on so many levels.

I'm not sure that I really fully understood Sonic CD at first. At the time, I was playing it at a friend's house, and didn't bother to pester anyone for a manual. The Sega CD itself was foreign to me. I didn't know why there were lamp posts that had me traveling through time, or why the spin dash was made to act so strangely from how it once was. The peel out was the coolest thing I'd ever seen Sonic do, and I was intrigued by its inherent double-edged sword property. The CD-quality audio was nothing short of amazing to me, as well. But I wasn't really playing the game as it was meant to be played, nor did I really know what the proper way should be. But after I was able to convince the powers that be to gift me a Sega CD and my very own copy of the game, I slowly but surely began to understand what it was about.

I loved how much it encouraged exploration. There's a starting point and a finishing point, but the goal is not to reach the finishing point. You can run through levels with the same reckless abandon you would in the games that preceded it, but you'd be missing the entire focus of the level design. Time travel was a wonderful innovation, and it was executed very well. You set out on an exploration to find a sign post to take you to the past, then you set out on an exploration to find the perfect spot to build up speed, then set out on yet more exploration to find the time machine. And while you're exploring, there are plenty of other nifty details to uncover, leading you to want to see every single corner of each level for yourself just to make sure you haven't glossed over anything in haste. It's a piece of artwork that simply asks politely to be appreciated. A painting that leads your eyes over every fine little detail. I really like that in a game.
Kirby said so, so it must be true.
( >'.')>

Offline Cream147

Hate to be late to the party, but anyway, let's put my opinions on the table. People are making out S3K to be an undisputed champion. However, I find it my least favourite of the original 3. It's probably because of nostalgia, I never played S3K as a child, but I'd like to think it's because I disagree with the level length, I preferred the shorter level length of the prior games. Sonic 1 is my favourite, but I know that is just the great memories of me playing that as a child, as I can't find any real justification for it being better than Sonic 2, yet plenty of justification for Sonic 2 being better.

*waits for "you suck" messages*

Offline Alondite

Why does the length of the levels matter? A single S3K Act is well-designed and more varied than an entire zone in any of the other Genesis Sonic games. 

Offline Cream147

Why does the length of the levels matter? A single S3K Act is well-designed and more varied than an entire zone in any of the other Genesis Sonic games. 

I found certain levels got a bit stale for me.

Offline Alondite

And yet Sonic 1 and 2's comparatively linear and and simpler levels don't get stale? Hm...I guess that just doesn't make sense to me.

Offline Maru Kiba

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The boss stages on Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 were pretty much not much of a challenge at all. Sonic 3 and Knuckles had some really good boss designs. That's when they got fun to play. Angel Island Act 2 Boss fun and easy. (You just need a fire shield and you're good) Act 2 Boss of Hydrocity. Pretty fun, but harder with knuckles as he doesn't jump high and the timing for hitting the blasts is a little rough. Act 2 Boss of Marble Garden Can get up to 5 easy shots before he kills the ground with the fire shield on. 3-4 without. 1-3 without rings. Act 2 Boss of Carnival Night this was fun to play, all you need is a lightning shield and you will be pretty much set. Act 2 Boss of Sandopolis was fun to play. Fighting Super Mecha Sonic was also pretty fun. Doomsday Zone pretty fun and Death Egg Zone Boss 2 sweet. Act 1 bosses were also fun. Saying S3K stale is like saying the f-word six times to a mad-dictator that owns a POW camp.
The Oltanis Team. Is made up of 9 strong and special members.
Leader (Gold-Black): Tanor Zeta Faux
Sub-Leader (Crimson): Maru Akane Kiba
Gold General (Yellow): Tana Iota Faux
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Squad Leader (Dark Blue): Salza H. Refurin
Castle Guardian (White): Nathan S. Graves
Rune Mistress (Lavender): Forsha Timbre
Storm Dragon (Dark Grey): Helios Darkus Kiba

Where i'll store my pics for proofs and what not. If you want to find the proof on stats, go here. I'm not posting them on the comment page for stats anymore.

Offline Cream147

And yet Sonic 1 and 2's comparatively linear and and simpler levels don't get stale? Hm...I guess that just doesn't make sense to me.

Quicker levels meant that they finished before they got old, for me at least.


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